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Sun Gods Intentions with the universe

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1Sun Gods Intentions with the universe Empty Sun Gods Intentions with the universe Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:11 am



  • Factually connect all family religions and traditions. Taking only the rules that are similar to each one. And using them as my own.
  • Furthering my study of evolution, in bugs, they have been around the longest, and they evolve the quickest. They know what they're doing. I like the creepy crawlers
  • Communicate more with the animal kingdom, for an exchange of knowledge in language, speak, and their magic
  • Practice and understand the karma>mana>magi>miye>mofm>exim>high-
  • Use technology as a game or a toy, to decide disputes, instead of a weapon
  • Use the power of my own brainwaves and nerves to cure my own illness's and brain misfunctions, for more serious diseases, it would take a group of minds together
  • Create a Goddess out of spirit energy alone, she would descend spirit and take form into a being. She would be created to seek out me.
  • Create a guild of good and evil people alike, who believe in the powers of which I speak of.
  • Leave this earth, for it is filled with cages and not homes. Its time is also a tilt off due to the wobble of the world.
  • I will turn the Sun blue, and name it Rhul, I'm thinking 2012 12 21, our gravity's time wave would probably even out, and the sun would stop its own disopation. It would even out its own vibration, kinda like how you see a flame on a lighter. - I was even shown Rhul, the blue Sun, here on earth. Nothing much would differ but the gradient of the blue/orange would change from orange/blue. The same colors would still share the sky, and the earth would evolve itself.
  • Find a suitable ship or transfer method to reach my planet Saturn, where I will make paradise on the moon Titan for myself and my Goddess to rule together but alone (I have this strange fantasy of playing out adam and eve). I may also take a group of follower to Saturn, but place them on a different moon, though I haven't found one suitable yet, and I haven't looked.
  • Wait for Rhul's energy to reach out to the other moons till they evolve into planets. They would become the different stages of hell. With their own appointed rulers, peoples, and laws
  • We would continue to grow our moons into planets, they each would have their own trades, species, and games
  • There would always be war, it would have just evolved into a blue mellow game.

Last edited by SunGod on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:00 am; edited 1 time in total




two zero one two Blue one two two one Rhul


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